Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Download World Without End (Kingsbridge #2) Books For Free Online

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Original Title: World Without End
Edition Language: English
Series: Kingsbridge #2
Characters: Caris, Merthin, Gwenda, Godwyn, Ralph
Setting: Kingsbridge, England(United Kingdom)
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World Without End (Kingsbridge #2) Hardcover | Pages: 1014 pages
Rating: 4.27 | 184584 Users | 10930 Reviews

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Title:World Without End (Kingsbridge #2)
Author:Ken Follett
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 1014 pages
Published:October 4th 2007 by Dutton
Categories:Fantasy. Paranormal. Vampires. Fiction. Romance. Urban Fantasy. Paranormal Romance

Ilustration Conducive To Books World Without End (Kingsbridge #2)

World Without End takes place in the same town of Kingsbridge, two centuries after the townspeople finished building the exquisite Gothic cathedral that was at the heart of The Pillars of the Earth. The cathedral and the priory are again at the center of a web of love and hate, greed and pride, ambition and revenge, but this sequel stands on its own. This time the men and women of an extraordinary cast of characters find themselves at a crossroads of new ideas—about medicine, commerce, architecture, and justice. In a world where proponents of the old ways fiercely battle those with progressive minds, the intrigue and tension quickly reach a boiling point against the devastating backdrop of the greatest natural disaster ever to strike the human race—the Black Death.

Rating Appertaining To Books World Without End (Kingsbridge #2)
Ratings: 4.27 From 184584 Users | 10930 Reviews

Criticize Appertaining To Books World Without End (Kingsbridge #2)
This "companion" novel to Follett's 1989 classic The Pillars of the Earth is set in the same community, 200 years later. I'd been excited about it ever since I heard it was coming out this fall - Maybe too excited, because it just didn't live up to my expectations.The first half of the book seemed a sort-of ho-hum retread of "Pillars". In place of Jack Builder, we have his look-alike great-great-great-many-times-over grandson, Merthin. Instead of Aliena, we get Caris (who I wanted to slap

Put some towels down because I sense a fully formed gush geyser about to spill all over this review. This book was fantastic and really did it for me. I loved it, all 1000+ pages, and I wouldnt have minded if it was considerably longer (TWSS). After more than loving The Pillars of the Earth (thats right, I lurved it), I had tall hopes for this sorta sequel and let me tell you it was more than up to the task. I was parched and hungry for a good meaty read. Well consider me gorged and my story

Set in fourteenth century, Kingsbridge is a prosperous town. Merthin and Ralph go to the archery field to try out Merthin's homemade bow and arrows. Because he is an eleven year old child, Merthin is not allowed to practice. Caris, Edmund Wooler's daughter, suggests they go to the forest to practice, which is against the law. Gwenda, a laborer's daughter, with her dog, trails along with them. When they reach the forest, Merthin shots an arrow and misses the chosen mark. Ralph, Merthin's younger

Book 1: 3*Book 2: 3.5*I had heard the rest of the series wasn't as good as book one so I was pleasantly surprised. The book started out much like a carbon copy of its predecessor. It is era two and there are a lot of parallels between many of the characters and the plot. However this one was much darker and the author put more empathy into his character. There were still some head scratching actions of different characters that seems completely out of character for this time period. There were

One of my book clubs selected this as we had all read and loved Pillars of the Earth when it came out 20 years ago. I got halfway through this tome and decided I didn't want to waste another moment of my life on a book which failed on so many counts. The characters didn't seem real and certainly didn't elicit any sympathy from this reader as they moved from one contrived crisis to the next, the writing was repetitive and juvenile (a gifted high school student could write better), the language

"...epic, historic novel"??!Good Lord, I must be reading a different book than everyone else.This seems formulaic and forced. Characters are more like caricatures; and what's the deal with everyone fornicating all the time??! Not that there's anything wrong with fornicating per se, I just don't care for books that use it as a major plot device time after time after time.I actually checked the cover to make sure it wasn't "Clan of the Cave Bear" 2.0...I'm going to finish this book (I think)

World Without End, a follow-up to Ken Folletts surprise bestseller Pillars of the Earth, steals a page from the Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure playbook. A motley collection of insipid characters if possible, even stupider and less realistic than Bill & Ted get into a time machine and travel back to year 1327 and the village of Kingsbridge Wait. Oh, wait. There are no time machines? The characters in World Without End are supposed to represent actual people from the 14th century? Well.


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