Saturday, July 4, 2020

Online Runaway (Airhead #3) Books Download Free

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Original Title: Runaway
ISBN: 0545040604 (ISBN13: 9780545040600)
Edition Language: English
Series: Airhead #3
Characters: Emerson Watts, Nikki Howard, Lulu Collins, Christopher Maloney, Brandon Stark, Robert Stark
Online Runaway (Airhead #3) Books Download Free
Runaway (Airhead #3) Hardcover | Pages: 310 pages
Rating: 3.92 | 23239 Users | 946 Reviews

Itemize Appertaining To Books Runaway (Airhead #3)

Title:Runaway (Airhead #3)
Author:Meg Cabot
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 310 pages
Published:May 7th 2010 by Point
Categories:Young Adult. Romance. Womens Fiction. Chick Lit. Science Fiction

Description Conducive To Books Runaway (Airhead #3)

EM WATTS IS ON THE RUN She's on the run from school, from work, from her family, from her friends, from herself. With everyone she loves furious with her for something she can't explain, and nothing but the live Stark Angel fashion show on New Year's Eve to look forward to, Em's reached the end of her rope... what's the point of even going on? But when she discovers the truth about Nikki's secret, she knows there's only one person she can turn to. Will Christopher be able to put aside his personal feelings and help her expose her employer to the world? Is it even fair to get Christopher involved - since if he agrees, there's every chance that Stark Enterprises will try to have them both killed - this time, permanently? MAYBE IT WOULD BE BETTER TO KEEP ON RUNNING

Rating Appertaining To Books Runaway (Airhead #3)
Ratings: 3.92 From 23239 Users | 946 Reviews

Notice Appertaining To Books Runaway (Airhead #3)
I really want to read this book! I also want to be the first to review it, so here it is. Runaway is the third book in the airhead series. I still haven't read the second yet unfortunately, but I heard it was better then the first book(which I enjoyed). Now if this is better then the second book, which was better then the first, then I'll probably rate it four stars. Hence my rating :D So anyway I was wondering, in the second book does she tell Christopher or does he figure out that she's really

It's official I can't give more than three star rating to this series but I have got to say this series gets more interesting with each book. "Runaway" is the best book in the series not just because the series ends with this book but because it lacks all those redundant narratives that rendered the previous books less enjoyable. The story is fast paced and the characters less annoying although I can't say the same for Christopher because he is by far one of the most annoying characters that I

Airhead is really fun. I love how it has this dark premise with brain transplants and an evil MNC but tonally it's... Meg Cabot. The strength of the series is how readable and enjoyable it is, but its weakness is its mixed messages.Thematically Airhead is about the destructive power of MNC's on America and the environment, but the main company Cabot uses as the antithesis to cheap mass-produced goods is... Apple. Like, yes, a Macbook Air is in a different price bracket than a Stark Quark, but

RUNAWAY surprised me. Usually, you have a real feeling for where a trilogy is going by the third book, and AIRHEAD and BEING NIKKI, though they definitely had their serious moments, struck me more as bubbly and frivolous. So I wasnt prepared by just how deep RUNAWAY was and by how well it works as a social commentary (and warning?). I spent a couple hours discussing the ethics issues it brings up with Daniel (and yes, you do wish you could have been a fly on the wall for those conversationsthey

love it

These books are fun, although I think the plot started to lose focus by this one. I have a feeling Meg Cabot had an idea like "What if  there was a nerdy girl stuck in a model's body?! HAHA" but then she actually tried to give it a plot, which was sort of unnecessary. Like, I like Meg Cabot's humor and her characters, but the plot for this one fell sort of flat for me. Second problem, waaay too many pop culture references which are going to make this book obsolete like two years from now. Third


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