Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Free The Golden Sword (Silistra #2) Books Online

Free The Golden Sword (Silistra #2) Books Online
The Golden Sword (Silistra #2) Kindle Edition | Pages: 384 pages
Rating: 4.14 | 111 Users | 13 Reviews

Point Appertaining To Books The Golden Sword (Silistra #2)

Title:The Golden Sword (Silistra #2)
Author:Janet E. Morris
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 384 pages
Published:May 7th 2016 by Perseid Press (first published January 1st 1977)
Categories:Fantasy. Science Fiction. Dystopia. Science Fiction Fantasy. Heroic Fantasy. Dark Fantasy

Description As Books The Golden Sword (Silistra #2)

The Golden Sword Let me start by saying this is the SECOND book in the SIlistra Quartet – and it helps to have read the earlier book, although I think you could get by without it. The action starts immediately, and thus some prior knowledge of the world and the main character is useful. That said The world building, like Janet Morris’s other books is superb and there is a helpful glossary at the back for the unfamiliar alien terms. When Morris creates a world she doesn’t hold back and this darkly sensual book ticks all the boxes for drama, cleverness and the ability to make the reader think. What is duty? What is love and how does it bind a person. Is sex merely pleasure or is there something far more profound in our genetic and cultural identity – and for that matter how fixed is it? Silistra is a world once ravaged by a war and environmental damage which almost destroyed everything – greed, vanity, selfishness and all the dark deeds of which an ‘intelligent’ society is capable. From these ashes rise the Wells and the alien but hauntingly possible culture of this world. Silistra is a world where the ability to reproduce is perhaps the most important aspect – as wars and a bloody history almost destroyed the races. Thus sex, and the relationships between men and women, the way their society sees them, is important. And women ofter hold the power. Yet it isn’t that simple (these things rarely are), for the various factions fight between themselves, try to hold the more technologically advanced races at bay, and seek to find themselves. Love of those simply not worthy of it by the rational mind and of the call of one person’s allure to another. The role of men and women, master or mistress and subordinate, of slave and free, of tribe and tribe, city and city, Silistrian and environment are woven about a tale of one woman’s quest to find out who she is and not necessarily liking the answer. The secret of the Silistran longevity is threatened, and with it the Silistran way of life and all they hold dear. This is more than just Estri’s own fight for survival as allies and enemies duel, intrigue and switch allegiances. Secrets are revealed, bargains struck and betrayed and threats loom from the stars without, the people within and the treachery of one’s own fear. It’s not a book for those looking for a simple adventure, or a happy ever after. It’s not a love story, and it’s not a story for those who are easily offended. But it is a great story. There is sex, violence, betrayal, blood, death, loss, love, hatred, fear, power struggles and people being really quite shitty to one another, and in this I found a reflection of ourselves – our world as could be, and might well be. This is a book which makes one’s blood sing and one’s mind ponder. I loved the first in the series and enjoyed this as much, perhaps more. The ending leaves the reader desperate to know what happens to Estri next – courtesan, slave, warrior, lover, rebel. What is next for our heroine?

Define Books Concering The Golden Sword (Silistra #2)

Original Title: The Golden Sword (Silistra #2) ASIN B01FCMA7LM
Edition Language: English
Series: Silistra #2

Rating Appertaining To Books The Golden Sword (Silistra #2)
Ratings: 4.14 From 111 Users | 13 Reviews

Evaluation Appertaining To Books The Golden Sword (Silistra #2)

I am deeply tempted to simply write, five stars, place a period, no, an exclamation mark after the word stars, and thusly be finished with my review. Tempted, yes, but I wont do that. Not just yet. Let me put two questions to you, dear reader(s):1. Is there anything I can say in this review, that would dissuade you to not buy this book, if you have already decided to buy the book?2. Conversely, is there anything I could possibly say in this review, to persuade you to buy this book, if you had

The Golden SwordLet me start by saying this is the SECOND book in the SIlistra Quartet and it helps to have read the earlier book, although I think you could get by without it.The action starts immediately, and thus some prior knowledge of the world and the main character is useful. That said The world building, like Janet Morriss other books is superb and there is a helpful glossary at the back for the unfamiliar alien terms. When Morris creates a world she doesnt hold back and this darkly

The second in the series about the future courtesan. Not really my cup of tea, although I liked the first one in the series OK. I didn't read anymore in this series after this book 2, but I have very much enjoyed much of Morris's other work.

Her heritage is stronger than her love. In this second volume, Silistra is learning of her powers and her most distant past. The beautiful courtesan who can unleash the power of he gods faces terrible dilemmas and questions in her demanding, challenging life, while action never slacks, never slows its pace, leaving us readers as breathless and craving as the characters, addicted to the happenings.

Good series.


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