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Books Online The Real Book of the Dead Free Download

Books Online The Real Book of the Dead  Free Download
The Real Book of the Dead Kindle Edition | Pages: 182 pages
Rating: 4.22 | 74 Users | 19 Reviews

Details Of Books The Real Book of the Dead

Title:The Real Book of the Dead
Author:Collette Sinclaire
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 182 pages
Published:June 29th 2013 by Risch Media Group

Narration Concering Books The Real Book of the Dead

WHAT REALLY HAPPENS WHEN WE DIE? Acclaimed Psychic Medium Collette Sinclaire spent 5 years interviewing spirits who have crossed over. The Real Book of the Dead allows you to be with the dead as they relive their final moments of life through Murder, Suicide, Drug Overdoses, Auto Accidents and more. Their riveting accounts brings comfort even in the darkest hours that life does indeed go on after death. Meet Joe’s Wife, a widower visited by her spirit guide who gives her the strength and comfort to fight Breast Cancer and begin a new life. Meet Florence, caught in bed with another man, who was brutally raped and savagely beaten to death by her lover After reading their life and death stories, you may never be the same. The comfort, wisdom and the eternal answers to questions which we all seek are finally, stunningly revealed. These are genuine life and death stories of real people. As a medium and channel, Collette Sinclaire has brought their life stories and information forward for you. These are the honest and heartfelt narratives of lives lost, loves lost, opportunities taken and opportunities missed. You will read about great achievement and great heartbreak. You will learn some of the reasons why we are here, what it feels like to die and what awaits us on the other side. Collette has endured the difficult process of being the conduit for these souls to be able to tell their personal and often difficult tales of life and death, to be presented here. They have been related through her for all of us to better understand why we are here and that we are all the same underneath. That what we are all looking for is basically the same, but rarely do we recognize our deep inner need for happiness through fulfillment of our soul's true calling; that is, those things which we seem to hear from our conscience, or that "inner voice" that spurs you to follow your dreams and your heart. This book is the culmination of many years of interviews with the dead. These chronicles of lives lived, though sometimes sorrowful, are not meant to sadden you, but to light the way to understanding. It is each soul's hope that by learning from their own life lessons - both from lessons they had successfully completed as well as those that they had failed - that you will find the way to a more contented life as well as a more powerful and happier self. These are not words to entertain or sway you. They are simply the words of lives once lived and what happened to these souls and what they experienced when they died. Some may strike a chord with you. Some may make your heart soar and others may make your heart sink, but they are all important in their own way. You may even recognize the voice of a departed soul as being similar to your own and in the process, find out why you are here yourself. If you have lost someone or are going through difficult times yourself, perhaps the information in these interviews can bring you understanding and comfort into your own life when you need it most.

Point Books Conducive To The Real Book of the Dead

Edition Language: English URL

Rating Of Books The Real Book of the Dead
Ratings: 4.22 From 74 Users | 19 Reviews

Criticize Of Books The Real Book of the Dead
Psychic Medium, Collette Sinclaire lives with her husband, seven children and two Golden Retrievers in a home filled with love. She believes strongly in international adoption and has three children - so far - that have been adopted from Ethiopia and Guatemala. She has a special affinity for diet cola, pajamas and cupcakes.As a Psychic Medium, Collette has spoken with hundreds of souls who have

Collette Sinclaire has been just like everyone else Almost! Having spent 5 years interviewing those who have died and crossed over, she has managed to write a profound book on life-after-death and what awaits everyone. Starting with the book, I dint have much expectations, thinking of it as an ordinary book with a fancy cover. But within the first few pages I was engrossed with the content and the rich detailed description of each incident.The afterlife has always has always been a mystery, but

This book is very interesting it has made me stop and think about the afterlife and where we go when we die. It has opened my eyes to things i would of never dreamed possible before each story is gripping and i could not put the book down i just wanted to keep reading. Collette Sinclaire has done a fantastic job of putting all these story's together to make a VERY interesting Ebook. I think this book will help all lot of people understand what will happen when they die. some of these's story are

Humans have a natural curiosity when it comes to the afterlife and what happens when our time here on Earth ends. Regardless of personal belief, there are questions to be answered and thoughts to be entertained. Author Collette Sinclaire's The Real Book of the Dead approaches this topic from her stance as a medium who has the gift of being able to connect to those who have passed on.Whether you believe in psychics or not, this one is an interesting read. I have genuinely enjoyed books that

I really enjoyed this book. The writing was sincere and easy to read and the stories lingered in my thoughts all day. Each time I put it down, I rushed to get back to it. There is a consistent theme of hope, love and trust illustrated in each story that was both refreshing and uplifting. Even if you are a skeptic, you'll appreciate the poignant messages within. Above all this book gives reassurance in the face of death, and encourages us to truly let go. From the reports of those in this book,

If, like me, you have wondered what really happen after we take our last breathe here on earth, then you will enjoy reading the Real Book of the Dead. Collette Sinclaire has written this books in hopes that it would answer our question and give us more knowledge. Each chapter tells the story of real people who shared their life and death experience with Collette Sinclaire. This book doesnt only feed your curiosity; it comforts those of us who has lost a loved one. Her words will give comfort to

This book really has you thinking. What really happens when you die? The question that can never be answered. I'm not saying this book has the answer, I'm just suggesting a new way of thinking of the afterlife. This book gives you exactly that. the introduction starts off describing how Collette began to see, hear, and feel the dead. As anyone can imagine, at first Collette was terrified of what was actually taking place. But overtime she began to speak to the dead and discovered things she, as


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